Free food wrangle

Highland council have been in deep debate for days with heated arguments from all sides of the chamber and not one absent member.

No, this wasn't another budget debacle but trying to work out what to do with the overspend in the all important council canteen.

Many councils have closed their canteens, or cut the free food subsidy but not Highland. They're clinging onto it like a dog with a bone citing a myriad of reasons as to why the service should be maintained.

One group of independent councillors even suggested starting a campaign 'keep our free food' but it was gently suggested that this might not go down well with the public.

Finally after two days of debate it was agreed to cut councillor's free lunches from seven courses to five and that the daily allowance of biscuits should be just one packet per councillor. 

Reluctantly our elected representatives agreed as this should see the canteen balance their books next year.

And then someone at the back said it 'what about our doggy bags'. You could hear a pin drop after the audible gasp that went around the room. This was going too far, much too far.



  1. The whole concept of free or even subsided food is disgusting in this day and age. Our councillors are paid two thirds of the average wage for their part time work. Many are eligible for a bus pass yet claim car mileage. Public servants, no public scroungers make no mistake.

  2. So many 'bad' actions have been exposed in recent times, Harvey Weinstein comes to mind. I'm not comparing the actions of this man to our councillors free lunches but it would seem that at least part of the world would like a clean up. How about it Highland Council, stop the freebies, and councillors make your number one priority to be to support the electorate and prove to us this isn't just yet another gravy train that puts money in your pockets.
    We voted for you, how about supporting us?

  3. Free food... I think that equals 31 pieces of silver


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